5 facts about the Moon.


Fact 1:

The moon is also known as a natural satellite that revolves around the Earth.


Fact 2:

Every year the moon moves about 3.8 centimeters away from the Earth a year. Eventually there will be no more solar eclipses because of this. This is because, when the moon moves further away, it looks smaller, thus eventually the moon won’t look large enough to cover the sun.


Fact 3:

A “blood moon” is created when the moon moves behind the Earth during a lunar eclipse, but it does not go completely into the Earth’s shadow. Instead, the red skies you see at dawn and dusk and shine onto the moon to give it its red color.


Fact 4: The moon controls the tides. When the moon’s gravity can pull up water on Earth. The height of the water during this depends on where the moon is.


Fact 5: The moon moves 2,288 miles an hour in its orbit.